Message from the Founder:
In the last issue, I discussed the fact that teva, nature, is a neis. Now let’s take it a step further. Truthfully, Yidden are above teva. I recently visited HaRav Reuven Feinstein shlita and he quoted the pasuk"תמים תהיה עם ה' אלקיך" which tells us that we should trust Hashem. If we do so, then the laws of statistics fall away. We are no longer bound by the doctor's numbers. Time and time again we hear stories about Yidden who were miraculously healed or about a couple who astonishingly had a baby after many years of infertility.
However, if we do place our trust in the doctors and their numbers then we are unfortunately stuck to those parameters and Hashem may not bend the laws of nature. We are indeed fortunate that our generation has been blessed with so many doctors who understand their role as messengers of the Rofei Ne'eman.
It is important to mention that we are taught (see Ramban in Parshah Noach) that Hashem usually runs His world according to the rules of teva and doesn’t unnecessarily change it. Nevertheless, our Gedolim tell us that we are still above the averages and numbers that are stated by the medical experts. This gives us all more the impetus to daven on behalf of those who need a refuah to be healed quickly by the Ultimate Healer!
Yossi Hecht
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